S&P Networks Construction management and Marketing for
Government, Government  Office, Major Companies, Overseas Agency

Construction Management

- 2015 Kwangju Universiade
- 2015 Samsung  Bio Factory groundbreaking ceremony
- 2015 KyongBuk MunKyung CISM World Games Korea
- 2014 Inchon Asian Games
- 2014 Ansan Sewolho Group Memorial Altar
- 2013 SunChon International Garden Fair
- 2012 Yeosu Expo
- 2010 Jamshil Dome Theater
- 2009 Hyundal Steel building dedication Ceremony
- 2009 Uljin Environment Expo
- 2009 KangJin Ceramic Festival
- 2007 ChonWon YooChae flower festival
- 2007 Gaesung District of Industry building dedication ceremony


Exhibition Display 

- 2019-2020 Anti Drug(Vietnam)
- 2019 NEXON Networks(Vietnam)
- 2015 G-STAR Hungry App
- 2015 District Hope Fair
- 2014 BeFe Baby Fair
- Seoul Cafe Show
- International Food Industry Exhibition
- SK Networks

Sports Marketing

- 2018 KLPGAChampionships(Vietnam)
- 2019 KLPGAChampionships(Vietnam)
- 2008 Busan World Trex-Games
- 2007 IRF World Rafting Championships KOREA
- 2007 ChunChon Leisure Festival


Branding Marketing

- 2007 HSB Global Leadership Camp
- 2006 KyungSan Hallyu Campus Town